Debora Benjamen

Debora Benjamen
Founder and Director
Debora Benjamen
Founder and Director
Debora Benjamen is a Founder of Blue Carbon Tanzania (BCT) currently a Climate Protection Fellow at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany. She has six years’ experience in mangrove restoration, blue carbon stock assessment, feasibility studies, policies and execution of blue carbon credit projects. Debora attended a two-year interuniversity Master of Science in Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) in Belgium majoring in environmental impact assessment, Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA), and Nature-based Solutions (NbS). She published on mangrove ecosystems specifically the role of restored mangroves for oxygen release and climate mitigation. She looks forward to collaborating with partners across the world to build the resilience of the mangrove ecosystems through restoration, building alternatives and research to support local communities.