Developing Blue Carbon Credits

Our team have profound experience in starting and developing successful blue carbon credit projects. In villages where we are working in Tanzania, we conduct baseline assessments and feasibility studies for successful blue carbon projects focusing on mangrove and seagrass ecosystems. The feasibility studies enable full implementation of the blue carbon projects in cooperation with standard partners (Plan Vivo and Verra), communities and government, following the newly launched Blue Carbon Trading guidelines in Tanzania by the Tanzania Forest Service Agency.

Our team member (s) already implemented the carbon stock assessment in Tanzania in cooperation with a partner at the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT). The studies involved the collection of soil samples in mangroves and the measurement of carbon content for the future implementation of carbon credit trading schemes in Tanzania. The success of the carbon credit trading will benefit the local community in improving restoration and livelihood and empowering local community livelihood for conservation in the form of Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES).